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ANDO GLASO (AG) was established informally in 2016 to encourage greater understanding and participation in the cultural heritage of the Roma people in Scotland aiming at stimulating and advancing community cohesion that is built on respect for celebrating diverse cultural identities. The organisation was initiated by a dedicated group of volunteers who shared the passion and desire to further encourage links between the Roma and Scottish diverse cultures at several levels including support and understanding through the promotion of arts and music programmes, educational workshops and seminars, conferences and events at local and national level.


Ando Glaso’s mission is not only to strengthen and support roma people; but to work with diverse communities and stakeholders across Scotland to celebrate and promote roma cultural heritage.

Initial Key Aims and Objectives

The advancement of the arts, heritage and culture, through promoting and delivering educational and learning activities that celebrate diverse cultures; through organising and delivering exhibitions and festivals, musical and otherwise; through the creation of professional ensembles and groups; through advancing and promoting the youth music sector.





The advancement of citizenship or community development through organising and delivering community/ local events aimed at creating and strengthening community ties.



To advance equality for and among diverse communities through celebrating cultural diversity and art as a means to equal citizenship and strengthening bonds among all community constituents promoting equal opportunities and community cohesion.

The advancement of education, through conducting/commissioning research; through the provision of music classes; performing arts; capacity building and mentoring programs involving experts and professionals in particular Roma experts and professionals.

Any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes.


To access our annual accounts please click here.

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